Chanel 2.55 black Coco canvas double flap from the Trend Bureau. Shoes & one-piece from Forever21.
My first month of living alone started out to be a healthy balance of fun and work, but now it has also proven to be one of the easiest paths to self-destruction. Living at the Fort is just pure convenience and ever since I stepped into college I've always daydreamed about being able to live closer to this place. Church Simplified happens here, there are great running tracks, my favorite restaurants and shops are here, etc. Of course the cost of living is higher than most places but I think that's the biggest thing that's pushing me to work even harder. Reviewing for the board exam's gotten me a bit sullen so I've been stepping out at night even more. Everything is just so near me! And even if I love working alone and can survive the entire day without talking to anyone, I still crave for the company of friends. I've been hating myself a lot for not being able to decline when friends ask me to go out, knowing that I have class everyday (even an 8-hour class on Sundays). I've been trying to run and do yoga more so the constant sleep-deprivation isn't so ideal...
With all the crazy night-outs and abuse my favorite party bag has gotten, I'm so happy that I recently found this cute Chanel purse to replace it with! I know the print's hard to pair with most outfits and some would probably use it as a main accessory, but I think it didn't really clash with my printed dress last night. I LOVE the different pockets of the Chanel 2.55. Don't forget to check out the Trend Bureau, they always restock on brand new as well as pre-loved branded bags and accessories.
I know I owe all of you bigger photos of my flat (I've been posting some on Instagram, my username is Raleene) but I'm not done decorating my rooms. I feel like I need to fill up some of the bare walls so that will be in an entirely different post.
I always forget to promote our gigs here and I feel like I should do that more often... Please watch us on the 24th (Friday) at Mercato Centrale, BGC! We will be performing for the TOMS Good Folk Fest and it'll be a lot of fun! The lineup is amazing and we're so happy to be a part of it.
event is for the benefit of TOMS' giving partner, WeInternational. All proceeds
from the event will go to the foundation.
by: Nicole Andersson
Bee Eyes
Walkie Talkies
Manglapus and the Executives
Art by: Dee Jae Pa'este and Frank Magalona
BAZAARS, RAFFLES, AND MURAL PAINTING from sponsors and partners.
Please follow the Walkie Talkies Twitter account and like our Facebook page if you haven't yet.
Just wanted to fill you in with my life at the moment. I promise to tone down on the partying. I seriously need to study!!!