Tuesday, August 17, 2010

quick post-081710


I'm nominated as this week's StyleStar on StyleBible.Ph once again!
Please vote for me HERE!
(my first time to be a StyleStar here)

It's quite an honor to be included here since I know all the other girls are well-known in the Philippine blogosphere!!! Oh my... This week's been amazing, really. I can't tell you how happy I am! Thanks to those who sent me lovely e-mails, followed my blog and twitter. I'm overwhelmed!


Last night I had a shoot that involved 3 craaaazybeautiful looks! Second artistic shoot this month and I can't wait for the photos!

Got to work with the talented Ria Redor again, and she was laughing as I walked in since I was the photographer the last time we saw each other! This time I was the model, and I was alone since the other girl backed out... We ended really late, around 1 in the morning, and I had to study for my 2 midterm exams when I got home. It was fun though, and I survived my exams! :)

Here are the looks from the shoot... Be warned, they're pretty unconventional but I've seen the raw shots and I love em already! Clothes were by Ronaldo Arnaldo.

Would you want this job? LOL. I am an alien!!! I kept thinking about Tyra saying the words "smile with your eyes"... Which is tough -_-

SO glad that headpiece didn't turn out to be as itchy as they said it would be :))

Nina and I were checking out Ria's makeup kit! Didn't get to take a photo of her chair by Suesh- it was so comfy! Every makeup artist should have it.


So there you go. I have to do my Trends in Interior Design plate and study for my Materials and Specifications midterms! Wish me luck :)

OH BTW! I never announce any of our upcoming gigs here, so please check out our Facebook page and Tumblr for updates!

We have a gig on August 20 (Friday) at Saguijo and on August 25 (Wednesday) for SPICE GIRLS night- still in Saguijo. Hope to see you guys there!


**** said...

beautiful blog, I'm in love with him

Anonymous said...

First of all, congrats for being nominated! I'd be happy to vote for you. ^_^

Secondly, great photos! :D


Melai said...

Hi Raleene! Congrats on being nominated :) Second, gosh we're both student but I dunno how you manage to do everything, juggling all those work with you. :)

This shoot looks oddly gorgeous! can't wait to see the photos :)

Melai of Style and Soul

A N A G O N said...

Omg the photo with blue lipstick--hindi kita narecognize! :D i love concept shoots, cant wait to see the photos! ;)

Ps: voted for ze pic of yours! :D yey for "flaggish" shorts! ;D

Raleene said...

. - thank you!

Hazel- Thanks :D

Melai- hehe i guess i just got used to sleep-deprivation? I wouldn't want my life to be uneventful anyways! :)

Ana- Thank youuu! And thank you for taking my photo! :)

AVA TE-ZABAT♥ said...

congrats for being nominated!:) i love your style!

and even though the make up is something new you still look pretty!

Raleene said...

Thanks, Ava! :)