Tuesday, February 12, 2013

PaoSam Wedding

dress by Mia Arcenas, shoes from Gold Dot's new collection

I did my mom's makeup again. 

Pao with tito Gary & tita Angeli. 

Echo & Kiana

All waiting for the bride!

There was a Disney princess moment when Sam's silhouette beneath the balcony was shown 

Sam's lovely gown was by Inno Sotto (one of the principal sponsors) and the appliques were really lovely.

Their vows were so cute! I'm sure someone's going to upload the same-day edit video soon. 

The mirrored tables and faux ghost chairs allowed all the colorful lights to transform the venue into something fun and whimsical 

The wedding had a Star Wars theme but it wasn't overkill. Tiny details on the entourage's accessories + these guys escorting the couple into the ballroom added just the right amount of playfulness. Paolo's always been a Star Wars fan so I sort of expected that. 

When YouTubers unite! Riz finally met AJ Rafael and had a fangirl moment when he admitted that he was subscribed to her. 

Alex (Sam's sister/maid of honor) and Nini

delicious sit-down dinner

I don't have enough photos of people on stage, but it was like a huge concert the entire night! The guest list was comprised of all the great OPM artists. The reception was just pure entertainment.  Rockeoke followed and lasted til midnight. 


I never get excited for weddings, but this was something else. I've always looked up to Pao and Sam as a couple and watching them tie the knot almost brought tears to my eyes (which, trust me, rarely happens). During the six years they've been together it became more evident that they were made for each other so I was so happy that the wedding turned out to be memorable for everyone! They deserve each other and I'm glad that I was able to witness this occasion. Their relationship's always revolved around their faith, so their love will for sure be one that transcends. 


Jasmin said...

Omg, beautiful wedding! Love the photos.

Unknown said...

You know you've made it when you have famous youtubers at your wedding lol. LOVE your dress!

Love Scrapbook

Raleene said...

Jasmin- thank you!!

Maggie- this wedding was star-studded! As expected from their family. Lol.

Jamie Kate said...

Sam is so beautiful! <3

I love your Gold Dot shoes by the way :)

Jamie Kate
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Anonymous said...

How are you related with Sam? Curious lang po... kc not just u were invited or Riz but also ur Mum too.

Raleene said...

Anon- Can't we just be good friends to get invited to a wedding? Pao and Sam invited both my mum and dad. A lot of people were invited, not just fam members.