Monday, September 13, 2010

her voice was muffled

birthday cake I gave my best friend for her 21st birthday (made by Bohemia Cakes)

my friend Mico baked these vegan cupcakes (that's right- no animal byproducts in the ingredients!)

I had to stop myself from buying any more art books.

I find that my two fave accessories at the moment make an odd combination (Cross ring from NastyGal & Buddha bracelet from Charmed Life)

current facebook dp (photo by Edric Chen, makeup by Ria Redor)


There's really nothing much to say. My life has been uneventful and routinely. School-church-band practice-gym-home. I just have to get through this week and a new term begins in school. I guess stress makes me a boring person? LOL. I don't hate it that much, though. I feel blessed, but at the same time I just really feel like I miss tons of people... And other things. I constantly wish for a lot of things to happen, but that doesn't stop me from thanking Him for everything that I have and all the things that have been happening to me lately.

I'm having one of those days, and I'm trying my best to keep my chin up. As of now, I'm able to BREATHE again. Thank goodness.

This has got to be the most unorganized/random thing I've ever posted. Might edit this later... or not. Forgive me if I'm not making much sense, I'm only human. :)


AVA TE-ZABAT♥ said...

i love charmed life :) really awesome bracelets and I can't wait for your feature on thiskidlovesvintage hehe got her hint :)

Raleene said...

Gen posted it already! yay :)

Anonymous said...

do more posts raleene! :)
btw, when you're at the gym, what machines do you use?
and i want to try being a vegan but how do i give up the sinigang and other foods that i really love that has meat on it?

i admire you cos if you want something, u focus on it and you do it... i hope i could be like that too. any secrets or advice for me? thanks.

Anonymous said...

is that cake edible? haha

Raleene said...

anon 2:19- i use the treadmill, stepmaster, ellipticals, bikes... and i try out anything! i think if u really want to be a vegetarian, u have to know the reasons why you are deciding to go for it... if you're passionate about fighting animal cruelty, helping others to fight global warming and the increase of greenhouse gases, you have to read up and that alone will give you the willpower to stick to your decisions... being knowledgeable about what you choose to go for is an excellent tool against those who will try to stop you into becoming a vegetarian. you are doing yourself and our earth a favor. :)

anon 2:27- of course :) everything is edible... the metallic beads are actually sugar balls!