The Salone del Mobile was the main reason why I traveled to Milan a few months ago [view part 1 here]. I don't really travel out of the country unless it's business-related or if I know I can attend a convention in the city [Instagram is deceptive]. This was my first time to attend Salone and I think every designer should go at least once or twice!
Thanks so much Neil Felipp for my Zero Wing choker! ❧
So I've given up on editing my hair black on all my photos. Decided to dye it deep black again 2 weeks ago at Basement Salon (SM Aura branch). Their services are a bit pricey but I'm just glad my hair didn't get fried. It's been years since my last hair treatment since I refuse to do anything to my mane. I'm a no-fuss gal who can't even be bothered to use a comb! I'm glad Asian hair isn't so hard to maintain but it can be a pain to watch curls uncurl in about an hour even with maximum hold hairspray on. I think I'm sticking to the all-natural, messy locks for now.
I've also started to really spend some time under the sun to get a healthier glow!!! The thought of living in New York for 3 years without nearby beaches and mountains to climb is starting to scare me... I sometimes wonder why a lot of Filipinas just can't embrace their brown skin. I LOVE being brown but my tan usually fades after 2 weeks (no thanks to my mom's genes). Ocean Potion's Xtreme Tanning Xcelerator has been a godsend- just an hour an a half outdoors with that on will get you 2 shades darker! I practically hoarded a couple of bottles from Watson's at Aura after a week-long search since Cheyser recommended it. I know, I will probably get some flack for promoting sunbathing but doing it twice a year shouldn't hurt me since I put on a layer of sunblock...
I still have to post the 2nd blog post from my trip to Milan! Visited Cebu last weekend for a bloggers' bazaar + quick beach trip so I'm posting photos on that as well...
LOL (lots of love), Raleeney. ❤