Finally graduated with a cap and gown yesterday. I'm forever grateful to DLS-CSB for the scholarship and was surprised that my CGPA actually got me honors. Dad thought it was funny and said that I would've done better if I actually kept track of my grades and "partied less". I guess I was too caught up with just having fun in a huge school, being busy with choir during the first two years (it served as my extra-curricular activity as required by the scholarship) and trying to do music with my sister. CSB was such a fun experience and I was actually sad that I didn't get to take all of my interior design subjects there... I freakin loved the SDA building and made tons of friends there!
Thank you to all those who congratulated me through Twitter, texts and Facebook!!! And thank you to Fiamma Stereostatic Saturdays again for the grad party :)
Congratulations! Am a total stranger, but I feel genuinely happy for you!
Thank you! :)
Congratulations Raleene! :)
Congratulations, Raleene! I'm proud of you. And wow! You still look so fash in your toga.
GRABE RAL!!! ANG LUPIT MO!!!! I don't know anyone who graduated in college with honors tapos meron social life. Hahaha! Most people have to work hard and stay home after school, but you??? YOU ALREADY!!!! Hahaha! Congrats!!!!!!! *hugs*
Congrats! You deserve it! xx
Congratulations! Now all I can feel is excitement that is.. because I am going to take the same course and in the same college :)
Bianca- thank you!
Mars- hahahaha fashh in a toga? I'm glad you think so :))
Honey- I think I'd die without a social life. I'm just too friendly! LOL!
Sofia- thank you :)
Pauline- Good luck! Minors are really easy. Majors will kill you, but it's all worth it if you're passionate about design. :)
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