Saturday, July 18, 2009

Space out time

Me as a curly sue, Ayala Terraces, snippets from home.

The weather was crazy.
Pics taken when it brightened up a bit and when I had the chance to go around.
First day was spent spacing out with friends who had the flu like me. Pretty much circled Ayala 4 times, hanging out at Cafes and catching up a bit.
Had lunch with more friends the next day. Was gonna die of boredom at one point when I caught myself doing nothing but staring at the ceiling, trying to mentally cure myself (I couldn't stop coughing and shaking from the meds). Thankfully I got saved and went to see the whole island at night for the first time. I am sooo not a local anymore. Will be rediscovering this hometown next month with a few friends flying in the from the states!

And now I'm advised to never comb out my hair anymore. OMG perfect. I now have an excuse for my worst habit ever. :))

Oh, I wanna congratulate Daphne for graduating! I'm so jealous. You looked FAB, btw!

And to Eizel & Baretz, too! Just saw your pics. Beautiful girls! Congratulations :D Hope to see you girls soon.


Anonymous said...

besides looking like bea alonzo, u sometimes look like anne curtis.... :]

Cool. Haha.

amberr said...

You're soo perfect! haha

Is that your hair naturally? It's hot ;p

Anonymous said...

love the hair sistahh

(first time to comment!lol)


Raleene said...

anon- lol yeah i look like so many people. common flip face lmao. but those girls are prettyyy :) thanks!

amberr- i got rid of the blueblack locks. dyed it brown and got it permed a little. my natural hair's a darker brown :) thank you!

izz- why are u usin an alias! lol thanks sistahh

Anonymous said...

Why do u look brazilian?????

Raleene said...

brazilian!!!! how i wish!!! =))

uptodatelikefashion said...


Raleene said...

thanks! and thanks for featuring me on ur blog :) yayyy

Anonymous said...

that's because U R really pretty


could u share ur beauty to me?? haha!

- anon 1

Raleene said...

anon1- if i could i would, and if anything like that would be possible i would've prolly asked tons of girls to share some SKINNY! =)) seriously.

KV said...

Wow, you look so beautiful in those pics with the floral dress and denim jacket! xx

Mary said...

what lens did you use in the mirror shot? :)

Raleene said...

Kristiana V- thank you :)

Mary- Nikkor VR 18-200mm. The only lens i use.